
Certificates and certifications

The National Archives holds documents that have served as the basis for issuing various certificates, including birth, death and marriage certificates, and driver’s licenses.

By contacting us you may obtain a transcript of these documents.

  • Personal information on birth and marriage is recorded in parish registers. If the parish registers have not been deposited with the regional state archive, you must contact the relevant Parish Office.
  • Personal information on death. Recorded in the registers of deaths kept by the Probate Court. If said registers have not been deposited with the regional state archive, you must contact the office of the relevant local magistrate.
  • Documentation for the issuance of driver’s licenses. Can be found either in the files of the local police headquarters (prior to 1936) or of the Motor Vehicle and Driving License Inspectorate (as of 1936) if the records have been deposited with the state archive.